Xiaowei Huang

A Professor of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool, Xiaowei runs a research group focusing on multi-disciplinary areas including machine learning, formal methods, and robotics including the analysis of autonomous systems that can independently learn, adapt, and make decisions by themselves with regards to safety, robustness, trustworthiness and security for safety critical applications.

Current focus areas include self-driving cars, underwater vehicles and other robotics applications. The team are also interested in various healthcare applications where safety and interpretability are important. The research has been funded by Dstl, EPSRC, European Commission. 

Dr Xiaowei Huang’s background is model-based formal engineering for intelligent systems, covering their specification, implementation, verification, and assurance. 

Recently, Dr Huang’s research has been focused on the safety and dependability analysis of deep learning and Dr Xiaowei Huang is still considered as the worldwide leader in this field today as the lead author of a series of high impact works on the verification methods for deep learning. 

Dr Xiaowei Huang has been the key developer of several UK and EU funded research projects on rigorous engineering methods for deep learning and deep learning enabled robotics systems.