Alan Marshall

Professor Alan Marshall holds the chair in Communications Networks at the University of Liverpool where he is director of the Advanced Networks Group and Head of Electrical Engineering and Electronics department and runs the multisensory Immersive Laboratory within the Digital Innovation Facility. He has been active on a number of local and national committees making recommendations on future directions for Telecommunications in Northern Ireland and the UK. He is the UK Lead for the “UK-Jiangsu World-class Universities Initiative”

He has spent over 30 years working in, and with, the Telecommunications and Defence Industries and in 2003 developed the first ‘Internet handshake’ transferring haptic information across separate destinations. 


Professor Alan Marshall has published over 250 scientific papers and holds several joint patents in the areas of communications and network security. 

He formed the spin-out company Traffic Observation & Management (TOM) Ltd specializing in intrusion detection & prevention for public access and open wireless networks in 2007.